Welcome to Fort McMurray Gujarati Library.

Download application form for the membership of the fmgcs library

Terms and Conditions to become a member of the Library:

  1. The purpose of the Fort McMurray Gujarati Cultural Society Library is to serve the members of the FMGCS (Fort McMurray Gujarati Cultural Society) to enrich the Gujarati Culture.
  2. This is a Free of Charge Service to all the members of the FMGCS. Membership of the Library is a privilege to the members of the FMGCS. Any member of FMGCS, whose membership with the FMGCS is in a good stand, can become a member of the library by agreed to the conditions for the membership of the Library.
  3. The Library membership will be considered cancelled once the membership of the FMGCS will not be in good stand.
  4. The Library will be operated by the Library Committee which is appointed by the Executive Committee of FMGCS. The Executive Committee may appoint volunteer/s for the Library as and when required.
  5. At present, the library will be maintained at following location in Eagle Ridge.
    Location-A: 184 Grosbeak Way, Eagle Ridge, Fort McMurray, AB, T9K 0L6. Contact Person: Dhavalkumar Parikh, Phone No: 780-747-7450
  6. Library timings will be as below.
    Every Wednesday 7:00PM to 8:00PM
  7. All the members shall produce their current FMCGS membership card to borrow book/s. The member and his/her spouse, whose names are printed on the membership card, can borrow the book/s from the Library.
  8. All the Members are required to return the borrowed books at the same location from where they have borrowed those books.
  9. Maximum 3 books can be borrowed at any given time for a maximum period of three weeks. Books may be renewed once; giving an additional two week loan period provided another member has not placed a hold for or requested that item.
  10. If book/s will not be returned by the Member to the Library within the prescribed time period, the Member shall pay 'Extended Use Fees'.
  11. Books cannot be renewed over the phone. The Member, who wants to renew the book, is required to bring that book to the same library location from where book was borrowed.
  12. Extended Use Fees are C$5.00 per item per week or part of week. It will be counted in multiple of five dollars. Privileges will be suspended once Extended Use Fees amount to C$20.00 or more. If book/s will not be returned after the suspension of privileges, the Member shall pay all the dues and complete replacement cost of book/s decided by the Library Committee. Non-compliance to this may lead to the suspension or termination of the Membership of the Fort McMurray Gujarati Cultural Society.
  13. Patron shall return the borrowed book/s exactly in the condition same as at the time of borrowing.
  14. The Member shall compensate for the damaged or lost book/s. This will be the complete replacement cost decided by the Library Committee.
  15. The Executive Committee of the FMGCS may add condition/s to these and/or amend any of the conditions at any time.